Aug 29, 2008

MENC@UIUC Music Ed Welcome Back Event

Last night was MENC's "Music Ed Welcome Back" Event.  Presidents from MENC, ACDA, NBA, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Mu Phi Epsilon, and of course, ASTA, spoke at the event to all the incoming freshman music education majors.

Here is a transcription of Hamilton's Speech...

"Hey Everybody,

I hope Everyone is having fun and learning a lot tonight! My name is Hamilton Le and I am the President of ASTA, which stands for the American Strings Teacher Association. We are a group devoted to Music education and advocacy, but focusing more on strings. But when I say this, this doesn’t mean that you have to be a string player. It’s actually contrary to that…ASTA will benefit those who have a strong desire to promote music education and want to know everything that can before they leave the university. Most of our events will be geared towards those who would like to learn more about the string world…from techniques and fingerings, to Paul Rolland and the Suzuki method.

Apart from this, we will be hosting many social events to promote unity and development….such as BBQs, dinner and a concert, or taking off some stress at a bar or two. This year, we will be implementing a Big Sib/Lil Sib program, which will come in handy in case you have questions about class schedulings, secondary instruments, or professional advice.

Before I hand over the mic, I would just like to share a few words from the National ASTA President from a few years back…Mrs. Mary Wagner.

Whether you choose private studio, school teaching or become a performer, you have
chosen a career where you can share your passion for music and teaching with others.
Being an ASTA member allows you the opportunity to network with others who share this love for our profession and learn from some of the master teachers of our times. Getting active in your ASTA student chapter and volunteering with your state chapter will give you good experience as you enter the professional world. In order for our art form to survive we need to stick together and have a better understanding of our different specialties within the string world. There is no better place to start this, than in the university setting.

And with regards to this statement, I absolutely agree. Over the next four years, you will be given opportunities beyond what most people can only dream of. Expertise training on your main instrument, top-notch ensembles directed by some of the greatest and most personable people, Masterclasses from people you would never think you’d meet, and a well-rounded, philosophical education from some of the country’s finest professionals….. Please use your resources wisely and take in as much as possible while you are here, because if you do,…..when that one day comes, and you step on that podium for the first time to conduct that piece that you’ve always wanted to conduct, you will be able to do it with the determination and proficiency that it takes, to do this profession justice.

Thanks Everybody"

It was a great event and a very insightful night for the music department!